The ^D^ is for Dante

Owner Melissa Monno’s #1 Canine CoPilot, Dante Valentino was a lovable scoundrel. He’s the reason Sidecar came to be.

Dante’s sidecar riding days took him on journeys through 27 US states and 2 Canadian Provinces. He made 100s upon 100s of friends and provided smiles and memories to last a lifetime.

In June of 2015, while waiting out a long spell of rain to pass so the two adventurers could hit the road to anywhere, Melissa browsed an ad listing a bar for sale. Having years of hospitality experience, she had always considered owning a local watering hole to call home, a place that felt like everyone’s home away from home, canines included. A place where 100s upon 100s of neighbors and new friends could connect and share smiles and memories to last a lifetime. It’s me, Melissa, writing this and I want to tell you how grateful I am for each and every individual that has been part of this journey and the everyday adventures with us in Downtown Batavia.

In one way or another, Dante brought you and us at Sidecar together in every moment we share.

Good Boy Dante, Love you always.

Check out the adventures on IG: @3wheels2pals1tail