When Pete Jive sings, charisma glides out of him and hugs you. Jive's gyrating, crazy legs maneuvers, turn-on-a-dime leaving two nickels syncopated rhythms, and punchy lyrics will heart-imprint you. A Pete Jive performance is an all-in, no one left seated affair, where Jive locks eyes, ears, legs, voice, fingers, and rapt attention around his audience. You don't hear a Pete Jive set; you and Pete live through it, together—that's the attuned intimacy Pete delivers to audiences.
In March 2020, Jive released "Live at the Roundhouse," a solo live recording at the historic Aurora nightclub. It is raw, energetic, charismatic Jive in his element—crowd sounds and a bare-naked mix bring the Roundhouse into our living rooms. You hear love in the hearts, sense sway in the girls, and feel grit on the floor—Half-drank beers in tall glasses paired to smiling faces and wiggling asses. Recorded just twelve days before America shut down, it's a chi-ful reminder of just how carefree we could be on February 28, 2020, and how we will feel again.